Diana Pádua
Name: Diana Pádua
E-mail: dpadua@ipatimup.pt
Academic Degree: MSc

Diana Pádua
Diana Pádua
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Short CV

I have a degree in Biology (2015) from Faculty of Science of University of Porto (FCUP), and a Master degree in Biochemistry (2017) from FCUP and Institute of Biomedical Sciences Abel Salazar (ICBAS), University of Porto. I integrated the MARBIOTECH project as a collaborator in the Histomorphology, Pathophysiology and Applied Toxicology research group of the Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR) where I also did an internship in the final year of my Biology degree (studying the effect of marine compounds, in combination with chemotherapeutic drugs, in breast cancer cell lines). I carried out my MSc thesis research work (isolation and characterization of gastric cancer stem cells) in the Differentiation and Cancer research group of i3s/IPATIMUP. Currently, I'm a PhD student (FCT PhD studentship) with the aim to further explore the results obtained during my MSc degree thesis research work.


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PI (running)

PI (closed)
First Author
1. Pádua D, Pinto DF, Figueira P, Pereira CF, Almeida R, Mesquita P
HMGA1 Has Predictive Value in Response to Chemotherapy in Gastric Cancer. Current oncology (Toronto, Ont.) 29: 56-67, 2021. [Article] 
2. Pádua D, Figueira P, Ribeiro I, Almeida R, Mesquita P
3. Pádua D, Barros R, Amaral AL, Mesquita P, Freire AF, Sousa M, Maia AF, Caiado I, Fernandes H, Pombinho A, Pereira CF, Almeida R
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